Humanist Values in Action
Cork Humanists are going to endeavour to help our members put their Humanist values into action by providing opportunities for volunteer work and group charitable activities.
Cork Humanists last volunteered with Cork Penny Dinners.
We are currently looking into group volunteering opportunities, where our members can get together don the t-shirt and get to work making the world a better place. If you have any suggestions for any such group activities you can contact us here.
Cork Humanists last volunteered with Cork Penny Dinners.
We are currently looking into group volunteering opportunities, where our members can get together don the t-shirt and get to work making the world a better place. If you have any suggestions for any such group activities you can contact us here.
Feedback from ISPCC on our Winterfest Potluck Toy Collection
To the members of the Cork Humanists,
On behalf of everyone here in the Cork office of the ISPCC, I would like to thank you all most sincerely for the very generous gifts you donated to us at your Winter Fest Potluck. I would also like to apologies for not meeting you in person before now. I had a series of unfortunate events before Christmas and am currently in the process of moving house! But all is good now!
The ISPCC receives less than 10% Government Funding annually and our Childline Service which is the only 24hour listening service for children receives no additional funding what-so-ever. We rely heavily on donations from the public and our corporate sponsors to keep our services running annually. The wonderful items you donated to us before Christmas have been put into our therapy rooms and will be used by our Art Therapist and Play Therapist - both of whom volunteer their time for free each week to help provide much needed support for some of Corks most vulnerable children.
I have attached some photos of our Therapy Rooms so you can see some of your gifts displayed and some items created in our Art Therapysession.
Thank you all again!
Elaine Murray
On behalf of everyone here in the Cork office of the ISPCC, I would like to thank you all most sincerely for the very generous gifts you donated to us at your Winter Fest Potluck. I would also like to apologies for not meeting you in person before now. I had a series of unfortunate events before Christmas and am currently in the process of moving house! But all is good now!
The ISPCC receives less than 10% Government Funding annually and our Childline Service which is the only 24hour listening service for children receives no additional funding what-so-ever. We rely heavily on donations from the public and our corporate sponsors to keep our services running annually. The wonderful items you donated to us before Christmas have been put into our therapy rooms and will be used by our Art Therapist and Play Therapist - both of whom volunteer their time for free each week to help provide much needed support for some of Corks most vulnerable children.
I have attached some photos of our Therapy Rooms so you can see some of your gifts displayed and some items created in our Art Therapysession.
Thank you all again!
Elaine Murray